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Weathering Steel Plate
Weathering steel plate is a steel plate that is resistant to atmospheric corrosion, which is a series of low alloy steels between ordinary steel and stainless steel. Weathering steel plate is made of ordinary carbon steel with a small amount of corrosion-resistant elements such as copper and nickel added. According to its main characteristics, it is divided into high weather resistance structural steel plate and weathering steel plate for welded structure. Weathering steel realizes sustainable development and innovation after integrating into new modern metallurgical mechanisms and new technologies, and is one of the series of steels at the forefront of world technology. Ganghua Steel can manufacture all kinds of carbon steel plates and accept product customization.
High weathering steel plate
High weather resistance structural steel is to add a small amount of copper, phosphorus, chromium and nickel elements to the steel to form a protective layer on the surface of the metal collective to improve the atmospheric corrosion resistance of the steel, and a small amount of molybdenum, niobium, Vanadium, titanium, zirconium and other elements are used to refine the grains, improve the mechanical properties of the steel, improve the strength and toughness of the steel, reduce the brittle transition temperature, and make it have better resistance to brittle fracture.
The use of high weather resistance structural steel is mainly used for bolted, riveted and welded structural parts for vehicles, containers, buildings, towers and other structures due to its better atmospheric corrosion resistance than weathering steel for welded structures.
Weathering steel for welded structures
The elements added to the steel, except for phosphorus, are basically the same as those of high weather resistance structural steel, and their functions are basically the same. The welding performance of weathering steel for welded structure is better than that of high weathering structural steel, and it is mainly used for welded structural parts of bridges, buildings and other structures.
The characteristics of weathering steel plate
 It has a protective rust layer and is resistant to atmospheric corrosion. It can be used to manufacture low-alloy structural steel for steel structures such as vehicles, bridges, towers, and containers.

 Compared with ordinary carbon steel, weathering steel plate has better corrosion resistance in the atmosphere.

 Compared with stainless steel, weathering steel has only a small amount of alloying elements, such as phosphorus, copper, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, niobium, vanadium, titanium, etc., the total amount of alloying elements is only a few percent, so the price is relatively low.

 Weathering steel plate can resist corrosion and prolong life of components, reduce thickness and reduce consumption
Weathering steel plates are mainly used for steel structures that are exposed to the atmosphere for a long time, such as railways, vehicles, bridges, towers, photovoltaics, and high-speed projects. It can also be used to manufacture structural parts such as containers, railway vehicles, oil derricks, seaport buildings, oil production platforms and containers for sulfur-containing corrosive media in chemical petroleum equipment. In addition, due to the unique appearance of weathering steel, it is also often used in public art, outdoor sculpture and building exterior wall decoration.
Manufacturing process of weathering steel plate
The weathering steel plate generally adopts the process routes of fine material feeding into the furnace - smelting (converter, electric furnace) - microalloying treatment - argon blowing - LF refining - low superheat continuous casting (feeding rare earth wire) - controlled rolling and controlled cooling. During smelting, smelting according to the conventional process, adding deoxidizers and alloys after tapping, and then casting the molten steel after argon blowing. Due to the addition of rare earth elements to the steel, the weathering steel is purified and the inclusion content is greatly reduced.
Welding process steps of weathering steel plate
 Remove the surface oxide of weathering steel plate;

 Welding the base layer, the first welding layer and the third welding layer of the base welding seam are welded by submerged arc automatic welding, the third welding layer has multiple weld beads, and the second welding layer is welded by MIG welding;

 Weld the transition layer at the junction of the base layer and the cladding layer, and the fourth and fifth welding layers of the transition layer are welded by MIG welding;

 Welding cladding, the welding seam of the cladding is the sixth welding layer, and the sixth welding layer is welded by high-current submerged arc welding.
What are the welding requirements for weathering steel plates?
Because of its good economy, weathering board has been widely used in the manufacture of pressure vessels. The corrosion-resistant layer of red rust weathering steel plate ensures corrosion resistance, so that the base layer can choose carbon steel plate with relatively low price and high strength.

Welding is one of the important links in the manufacturing process of weathering board landscape. The welding of weathering board is generally divided into three layers: base layer, transition layer and cladding layer.

Special weathering steel electrodes are used for welding, and the material is the same as that of weathering steel plates, which can achieve corrosion resistance. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the welding performance of weathering steel plates, Ganghua Steel has formulated a scientific and reasonable welding process, and has continuously implemented in the project. Adjust and optimize, and achieved good results.
The unique point of weathering steel plate
Weathering steel has strong shape shaping ability, and the rust-red weathering steel plate will change over time. Its color is greatly affected by the environment and climate. After a long time, it is easy to change from bright reddish brown to dark reddish brown. The historical sense of the site, the momentary sense of recording time, and the extension of the vitality of the site allow limited materials to "symbiotically coexist" with each other, reflecting the sustainable design concept.
Due to its unique rugged appearance, weathering steel is widely used in outdoor sculptures and building facades, and it is also used in bridges or other large structures. What makes it special is that when exposed to the natural environment, after being exposed to air, rain, etc., the surface of the steel will automatically form an anti-corrosion protective layer, without the need for painting protection, and the material has a long service life.
Why can weathering steel plate rust but not rot?
Weathering steel is different from ordinary steel, in the beginning, it will rust on the surface like ordinary steel. This process is even faster than normal steel due to its higher degree of alloying. However, due to the more complex lattice inside the weathering steel, a dark black dense rust layer will grow under the loose rust on the surface. In this dense rust layer, nickel atoms replace some of the positions of iron atoms, so that the rust layer has cation selectivity and resists the permeation of corrosive anions.

It is this dense rust layer that makes the weathering steel rust on the surface, but the interior will not continue to be rusted. In fact, as long as you distinguish carefully, you can see that the surface of weathering steel is not the same as ordinary rust: the rust of weathering steel is uniform and dense, and it is close to the surface of the steel to protect the steel; while the rust is mottled, loose and porous, It will fall off when touched.
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